Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture started in 2004 with the goal of teaching traditional acupuncture. Being the unique part of traditional medicine, Acupuncture has lost its basic principles in recent days and changed into integrative and complementary medicine in many countries.
The courses offered by Cumbam Academy has been precisely designed the syllabus with proper and unique principles of Acupuncture which presents a simple solution for all ailments without drugs. Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture masters are teaching with the intention of spreading the applied methods and strong philosophies of traditional acupuncture worldwide.
Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture teaches their students by preserving the uniqueness of the drugless Acupuncture medicine. Cumbam Academy graduates are serving as a distinguished Acu Healers all over India.
The Acupuncture Admission and trainings are being conducted by Cumbam Academy in all their training centres located in Tamil Nadu.
The students studied in Cumbam Academy and completed the due course and passing the university examinations are issued with the Government Recognised University Certificates. Cumbam Academy is the First part time college in India recognised by Alagappa University.
University certificate holders can register in Acupuncture Healers Federation (India) and practice as Acu Healers as per the order passed by Acupuncture act of Indian Government.